Al-Milal: Journal of Religion and Thought <p>A journal dedicated to the study of religion and thought.</p> Al-Milal Foundation en-US Al-Milal: Journal of Religion and Thought 2663-4392 الفعالية الإنسانية والإيمان بالقدر:عند بديع الزمان النورسي <p>Muslim thinkers have been debaing the efficacy of faith/iman in destiny/Qadar and its postive interpretation from Islamic perspective. Sometimes this emphasis has been percieved as a shift from the the classical muslim tradition. This paper discusses the views of one of the prominent thinkers and reformers of the modern period Badi ‘ al Zaman al Naurasi on the issue of efficacy of human deeds and faith in destiny for two reasons; firstly Al Naurasi has dealt with the issue at length in in many of his works while two of his works “Al Kalimar” and “Isharat al Ijaz” are focused on the same issue and secondly he has developed his approach reckoning both the Quran and the world. The research will explore the stance of Al Naurasi on the issue of human efficacy and belief in desiny. In order to appricate and evaluate the stance of Al Naurasi the paper will also present an overview of Quran and Prphetic tradition on the issue. It will further highlight the <em>Kalami</em> approach of Al Naurasi, his understanding of human efficacy and faith on destiny and the major issues and debates that Al Naurasi has dealt with while dealing with issue of faith in destiny.</p> Nabil Fouly Mohamed Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Milal: Journal of Religion and Thought 2022-12-30 2022-12-30 4 2 1 28 الإستراتيجيّة التّوجيهيّة في القرآن الكريم مقاربة تداوليّة لخطابات نوح عليه السّلام مع قومه <p> <em>By reflecting on the Quranic dialogue between messengers and their people, we find out the extent to which it is distinct from all other sermons by its eloquence, clarity, smoothness, disposition, diversification and inclusiveness. Prophets and messengers - by God's words and love - are the kindest to people and most patient with them, and they are the best in their dialogue and the most eloquent, which is evident in their various discourses, which have not received much attention. In the Holy Quran, they have used different strategies to call upon their people to the straight path of Allah, most notably the dialogue strategy. This research is conducted in the context of the disclosure of the mechanisms of the dialogue strategy of Noah peace be upon him - with his people. For this purpose we have analyzed all the verses in which Noah addressed his people, all of which are contained in six chapters of the Holy Quran. </em><em>The research aims at demonstrating the extent to which the deliberative approach can be applied in the study and interpretation of the Holy Quran in order to better understand its verses and to identify the ways and approaches that can be helpful in conducting and achieving the purpose of the communication process. </em> </p> khaled hamidat Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Milal: Journal of Religion and Thought 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 4 2 التعارض بين الحقائق العلمية الحديثة والقرآن الكريم في سياق الترجمة الخاطئة لمعانيه: دراسة في الأسباب والدوافع <p><em>The dilemma of conflict between religion and science in the context of dialectical discourse constituted an "obsession" among thinkers and clerics in various philosophies and religions since ancient times, and the error in translating the meanings of the Qur’an at the intersection between the Qur’anic text and modern scientific facts, </em><em>may intensify this </em><em>dilemma</em><em>.</em><em> Maurice Bucaille (d.1998) has always emphasized this particular problem in more than one place and made it one of the obstacles to the Islamic call recently in the West, rather he claimed - with an apprehensive look - that the motive for the error is subjective and intentional. </em><em>The significance of this study lies</em><em> in correcting the position of the Qur’an </em><em>towards </em><em>modern scientific facts in the context of the correct translation. </em><em>Accordingly</em><em>, the aim of this study is to identify the topical and objective translational problems of the cosmic and natural verses, whether at the linguistic level of the translated text </em><em>or at the translator’s epistemological and ethical level</em><em>, </em><em>in order to confirm Maurice Bucaille’s claim on the </em><em>m</em><em>otives and reasons of errors.</em> <em>By implementing the analytical and comparative method</em><em> and applying the critical approach </em><em>on translating some verses by translators with different doctrinal backgrounds towards the Qur’an on the one hand, and those with different levels of knowledge on the other</em><em>, We have concluded that the causes of errors are mainly due to the complex linguistic nature of the Qur’an as an internal reason,</em> <em>and the modest scientific balance of some translators in the field of cosmology and naturalism as an external reason, just as all the translation errors which we studied in this article were inevitable and spontaneos, However, the self-motivation and selective behavior towards some mistranslations of those who stand on the opposite side of the Islamic discourse do exist, but in the field of ideological debate far from the official translations of the Qur’an in what appears.</em></p> <p> </p> Shahab Naqadi Nazir Aosalim Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Milal: Journal of Religion and Thought 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 4 2 استراتيجية التعلم باللعب آلية للتعامل مع الرفض المدرسي في ظل تعليم المقاربة بالكفاءات <p><em>The paper seeks to explore the significance of learning through playing despite the fact that the school education is reluctant to adopt it as a learning tool. It highlights that how this mechanism can enhance the motivation level of the learners as well as it facilitates the educators. The study highlights the educational reality in the school environment and how the school education system is reluctant to use playing as learning strategy. It further focuses on some procedural mechanisms that can be adopted by stakeholders in the school environment to deal with this problem. The research further shows that how this strategy improves the student's knowledge and increases the motivation level among the children to learn. As a child can learn more with passion instead of coercion, this appeared in a set of reforms that valued the role of the teacher's reliance on learning strategies and pedagogical means. These reforms suggest that a teacher needs to educate a child in pedagogical ways that suit his age and correspond to his childish behavior that tends to learn by playing. This strategy it is expected improves the efficiency of the learner and increases his passion for learning, instead of forcing him to go to school, hence it can result in effective transmission of knowledge and can help in avoiding many learning difficulties involved at the stage of early education.</em></p> yasmine hamdi bacha Copyright (c) 2023 Al-Milal: Journal of Religion and Thought 2023-06-30 2023-06-30 4 2