استراتيجية التعلم باللعب آلية للتعامل مع الرفض المدرسي في ظل تعليم المقاربة بالكفاءات

The Strategy of Learning through playing: A Mechanism to Deal with Refusal of the Schools to Adopt Playing as Learning Tool based on the Competency Approach


  • yasmine hamdi bacha جامعة 8 ماي 1945 بقالمة


Competency approach, Learning Strategy, Learning by playing, School refusal


The paper seeks to explore the significance of learning through playing despite the fact that the school education is reluctant to adopt it as a learning tool. It highlights that how this mechanism can enhance the motivation level of the learners as well as it facilitates the educators. The study highlights the educational reality in the school environment and how the school education system is reluctant to use playing as learning strategy. It further focuses on some procedural mechanisms that can be adopted by stakeholders in the school environment to deal with this problem. The research further shows that how this strategy improves the student's knowledge and increases the motivation level among the children to learn. As a child can learn more with passion instead of coercion, this appeared in a set of reforms that valued the role of the teacher's reliance on learning strategies and pedagogical means. These reforms suggest that a teacher needs to educate a child in pedagogical ways that suit his age and correspond to his childish behavior that tends to learn by playing. This strategy it is expected improves the efficiency of the learner and increases his passion for learning, instead of forcing him to go to school, hence it can result in effective transmission of knowledge and can help in avoiding many learning difficulties involved at the stage of early education.



How to Cite

hamdi bacha, yasmine. (2023). استراتيجية التعلم باللعب آلية للتعامل مع الرفض المدرسي في ظل تعليم المقاربة بالكفاءات: The Strategy of Learning through playing: A Mechanism to Deal with Refusal of the Schools to Adopt Playing as Learning Tool based on the Competency Approach. Al-Milal: Journal of Religion and Thought, 4(2). Retrieved from http://al-milal.org/journal/index.php/almilal/article/view/243