هاجس المكان وسؤال الكينونة في مسرحية "البحث عن الشّمس" لعز الدين جلاوجي مقاربة نقدية ثقافيّة

Obsession of Place and The Being Question in "Looking for the Sun" by Izz al-Din Djalawji (Critical Cultural Approach)


  • Leila Ahmadi Université Echahid Hamma Lakhdar-El Oued, Algeria


     This research aims to study the play of " searching for the sun" which is written by " Izz al-Din Djalawji", according to the cultural criticism data of the boarder cultural pattern. The importance of this study lies in the fact that it takes from the discourse of this play a tool for reading with a new critical pick, and with several critical trends that accompanied the post- modernity both in the field of literature and criticism. Also, it searche for cultural activity within the literary text and calls  for a criticism  that  goes beyond the  a  aesthetic; and  it concerned with the implicit  cultural  pattern

And exposing them by digging into the deep structures. This play was a cultural event with its symbolic and aesthetic construction to include a cultural pattern that reflects "djalawji"s" view to the existence and the being through a contradictory, nested and Linguistic relations network.

               Accordingly, this study will try to decode the implications of the place obsession pattern and asking about the being which is embodied in the deep structure; and as well manifested in the struggle of the Arabic men with the centered self which eliminates his being and takes his place.




How to Cite

Leila Ahmadi. (2023). هاجس المكان وسؤال الكينونة في مسرحية "البحث عن الشّمس" لعز الدين جلاوجي مقاربة نقدية ثقافيّة: Obsession of Place and The Being Question in "Looking for the Sun" by Izz al-Din Djalawji (Critical Cultural Approach). Al-Milal: Journal of Religion and Thought, 5(2), 73–88. Retrieved from http://al-milal.org/journal/index.php/almilal/article/view/251