الفعالية الإنسانية والإيمان بالقدر:عند بديع الزمان النورسي

Efficacy of Human Actions and Faith in Destiny According to Badi‘ al Zaman al Naurasi


  • Nabil Fouly Mohamed Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University


Al Naurasi, Human efficacy, Kalam, iman, Qadar


Muslim thinkers have been debaing the efficacy of faith/iman in destiny/Qadar and its postive interpretation from Islamic perspective. Sometimes this emphasis has been percieved as a shift from the the classical muslim tradition. This paper discusses the views of one of the prominent thinkers and reformers of the modern period Badi ‘ al Zaman al Naurasi on the issue of efficacy of human deeds and faith in destiny for two reasons; firstly Al Naurasi has dealt with the issue at length in in many of his works while two of his works “Al Kalimar” and “Isharat al Ijaz” are focused on the same issue and secondly he has developed his approach reckoning both the Quran and the world. The research will explore the stance of Al Naurasi on the issue of human efficacy and belief in desiny. In order to appricate and evaluate the stance of Al Naurasi the paper will also present an overview of Quran and Prphetic tradition on the issue. It will further highlight the Kalami approach of Al Naurasi, his understanding of human efficacy and faith on destiny and the major issues and debates that Al Naurasi has dealt with while dealing with issue of faith in destiny.




How to Cite

Nabil Fouly Mohamed. (2022). الفعالية الإنسانية والإيمان بالقدر:عند بديع الزمان النورسي: Efficacy of Human Actions and Faith in Destiny According to Badi‘ al Zaman al Naurasi. Al-Milal: Journal of Religion and Thought, 4(2), 1–28. Retrieved from http://al-milal.org/journal/index.php/almilal/article/view/253