Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Spirng 2019

					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Spirng 2019

Alhamdu Lillah, the first issue of AMJRT is being presented here with a diversity of articles. We have received 16 odd papers and 10 of these are finally selected for the first issue on behalf of national and foreign blind peer reviews. The Urdu section contains 7 papers. The first paper is by Hafiz Waqas khan entitled, “Ideological Challenges of Atheism to the Muslim Societies and their Solutions from Islamic Perspective”. The second paper is, “Reformation of Moral Philosophy and its foundation in Sīrah of the Prophet Muḥammad (ﷺ)”, by Hafiz Muhammad Shariq. The third paper is, “Ethical Vices in Divine Books: A Comparative Study in the Light of Islamic Teachings”, by Dr. Abdul Hameed Arain. The fourth paper is, “Islamic Philosophy of Fundamental Rights of Non-Muslim Minorities: A Qur’ānic Perspective”, by Mr. Muhammad Muddassar. The fifth paper is, “Sources of Qur’ānic Narrates of Syedah Mariam (AS) (A Critical Analysis of the Orientalistic Approach”, by Dr. Muhammad Tayyib Usmani. The sixth paper is, “Critiques of Fr. Zakaria Boutros on Noble Sīrah of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ: A Scholarly Review”, by Mr. Saeed ul Haq Jadoon & Dr. Saeed ul Rehman. The seventh paper is, “Understanding the Importance of Consensus in Islamic Schools of Thought: Overview in the Context of Pakistan”, by Dr. Samina Nasir.

The English and Arabic sections contain a total of three papers. The eighth paper is in Arabic Language and entitled, “Christian Monasticism and Islamic Mysticism and its Impact on Various Aspects of Human Life: An Analysis from Islamic Perspective”, by Mr. Muhammad Zulqarnain. The ninth paper, which is in English language, is presented by an African scholar, Dr. Nkoberanyi Caroline, entitled, “Christian-Muslim Theological Dialogue: A Case of Catholic Universities in East African Universities”, and the tenth and last paper, which is also in English language, is written by Dr. Riaz Ahmad Saeed, entitled, “Western Parameters of Freedom of Expression: A Critique from Islamic Perspective.”

Published: 2019-08-28
